A $35 Raspberry Pi Can Speed Up Your WiFi By Blocking Ads – How To Guide

block-adsSimply put, ads pay for the internet. The websites you visit, the content you enjoy, and even the free games on your phone are paid for by the ads you view and click. But not all ads are created equally; some ads are intrusive, can deliver malware, and can trick you into visiting unsafe sites. The pop-ups, pop-unders, music-playing ads can be stopped! I promise, you didn’t win an iPad for being the one millionth visitor, and you can still support the sites who rely on ad revenue!

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Improve Your Online Privacy With These Browser Plugin’s

572c151c9b9fcda239e0c4b462176f1dPlugin’s, extension’s, add on’s, they may be called by a different name depending on the browser, but a few clicks can greatly increase your privacy online. Be careful, however, because not all extensions are safe, and too many can slow down your performance.

Chances are, you’re using one of the top five contenders – Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer (Microsoft Edge on Windows 10), or Netscape Navigator (Yes, it still exists. We’re just as shocked.)
All of these browsers allow you to add little programs to them, which serve many purposes; they can help you manage your passwords, block ads, force websites to use HTTPS, for productivity, fun, entertainment, you name it!  Continue reading

Create Strong Passwords by Not Using Passwords

Let’s talk about passwords. Does your password have your name, ihate-passwords-2your pet or significant others’ name, a date such as a birthday or anniversary?

If you answered yes to any of those, or you aren’t using a Password Manager, we need to have this discussion. In the digital age, passwords are the key to your life; using the same password for every site, is giving hackers the master key.

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