Yahoo! Confirms Over 1 Billion Accounts Compromised!

yahoo-data-breachYahoo! confirmed in a press release today that more than 1 Billion user accounts were compromised. Announced earlier this year, the initial reporting of the breach that is believe to have taken place in late 2014 was around 500 million accounts, and according to the press release was comprised of “account information may have included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords (the vast majority with bcrypt) and, in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers.”

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Ask a Hacker!

What does it mean to be a “hacker”? What do they really do? hackerAre they all bad guys stealing your credit card information from their mom’s basement?  Hacking doesn’t look like it looks on television, and even the popular show Mr. Robot embellishes a little. Tell us what you want to know!

We’ll host a weekly Q&A, where we take your questions and have them answered by real hackers with experience specific to your question!

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