Acer Unveils Its $9,000 Predator 21 X Laptop And It’s a BEAST

acer2_4_3Acer’s much-anticipated Predator 21 X gaming laptop put most full-sized PC rigs to shame. It’s sporting an industry first curved display, at a whopping 21 inches.  Announced at CES on Tuesday in Las Vegas, this isn’t a laptop you’ll want to drag back and forth to work.

If you want this laptop, you’ll need to drop a steep $9,000, which is more than any other gaming laptop currently on the market. That price tag comes with a whole lot of machine, and its curved screen isn’t the only feature you won’t find anywhere else.

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A $35 Raspberry Pi Can Speed Up Your WiFi By Blocking Ads – How To Guide

block-adsSimply put, ads pay for the internet. The websites you visit, the content you enjoy, and even the free games on your phone are paid for by the ads you view and click. But not all ads are created equally; some ads are intrusive, can deliver malware, and can trick you into visiting unsafe sites. The pop-ups, pop-unders, music-playing ads can be stopped! I promise, you didn’t win an iPad for being the one millionth visitor, and you can still support the sites who rely on ad revenue!

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Improve Your Online Privacy With These Browser Plugin’s

572c151c9b9fcda239e0c4b462176f1dPlugin’s, extension’s, add on’s, they may be called by a different name depending on the browser, but a few clicks can greatly increase your privacy online. Be careful, however, because not all extensions are safe, and too many can slow down your performance.

Chances are, you’re using one of the top five contenders – Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer (Microsoft Edge on Windows 10), or Netscape Navigator (Yes, it still exists. We’re just as shocked.)
All of these browsers allow you to add little programs to them, which serve many purposes; they can help you manage your passwords, block ads, force websites to use HTTPS, for productivity, fun, entertainment, you name it!  Continue reading

Don’t Fall For Card Skimmers – Wait, What’s a Card Skimmer?


It happens every day – You swipe your card at an ATM, withdraw cash, and you’re on your way. But what if someone was using that ATM to steal your credit card number? What if it happened at your grocery store? It’s more common than you think, and even happens at Wal-Mart.

Credit card skimmers are devices that are made to look like the slot you’re used to inserting your credit or debit card in. They are so convincing, that they are even missed by ATM technicians, who are hands-on every day. The skimmer works by inserting electronics into a shell that read your card information. Hackers have taken the next step by creating number pad over-lays or using pin-hole cameras to record your PIN.

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Yahoo! Confirms Over 1 Billion Accounts Compromised!

yahoo-data-breachYahoo! confirmed in a press release today that more than 1 Billion user accounts were compromised. Announced earlier this year, the initial reporting of the breach that is believe to have taken place in late 2014 was around 500 million accounts, and according to the press release was comprised of “account information may have included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords (the vast majority with bcrypt) and, in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers.”

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Create Strong Passwords by Not Using Passwords

Let’s talk about passwords. Does your password have your name, ihate-passwords-2your pet or significant others’ name, a date such as a birthday or anniversary?

If you answered yes to any of those, or you aren’t using a Password Manager, we need to have this discussion. In the digital age, passwords are the key to your life; using the same password for every site, is giving hackers the master key.

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Ask a Hacker!

What does it mean to be a “hacker”? What do they really do? hackerAre they all bad guys stealing your credit card information from their mom’s basement?  Hacking doesn’t look like it looks on television, and even the popular show Mr. Robot embellishes a little. Tell us what you want to know!

We’ll host a weekly Q&A, where we take your questions and have them answered by real hackers with experience specific to your question!

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Password Management Made Easy

In the digital age, passwords are the key to your life. passwordsYour bank account, social media sites, phone, and maybe even your front door has a password on it. But let’s face it, you use the same password for nearly very site; the only exception is that site that has weird rules about numbers and special characters, and you have to reset it every time because you can’t remember what it was. You know you shouldn’t write them down but you keep hearing that you aren’t supposed to re-use passwords, and to top it off, you’re supposed to change those passwords often. Who has time for all of that, and what should you be doing? Stop trying to remember them!

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